Tuesday 25 August 2020

61 independent living homes get underway in Kingsbury

The ground was officially broken as works commenced on 61 independent living homes at Honeypot Lane, Kingsbury.

Brent Council will be working with developer, United Living South to deliver one-bedroom self-contained residential flats as part of Brent’s New Accommodation for Independent Living (NAIL) project.

The new properties will benefit from communal facilities including a lounge and a dining/cafe area, multi-use room, assisted bathroom, buggy store, kitchen and an external landscaped courtyard. There will also be mobility scooter storage and parking.

These homes are part of the council’s programme to build 1,000 new council homes in the next five years for Brent residents. The council is directly funding the £300 million programme to build these new homes along with £95 million from the Mayor of London.

As part of the new scheme, United Living South and Brent Council have also made a joint pledge to carry out improvements to the communal gardens of the neighbouring NHS Kingswood Centre, a new pump and safety fencing for the existing pond and paving works.

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