Friday 10 April 2020

Brent -Support for Residents who are Self-isolating

Brent council has been informed that  NHS has identified 1.6m people nationally who have medical conditions that put 
them at the most significant risk if they contract Coronavirus, and has instructed these individuals to self-isolate for 12 weeks. In addition, a much larger number of residents, such as people over 70 years old, will be self-isolating through choice as they feel vulnerable. The  full NHS list has been sent to Brent, with 4,031 residents on it.
Self-isolating means that they cannot leave their home at all - they cannot visit shops to buy essential food, they cannot collect prescriptions, they cannot walk their dogs - and for the most in need, their arrangements with relatives to visit and provide personal care may not be able to continue.
The council has put in place a range of support services to enable these residents to stay safely in their homes.
The Council has contacted those on the NHS list to identify their needs, but in addition to that we are also addressing queries direct from residents.

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