Friday 12 June 2020

Brent is fully committed to improving the lives of its Black residents

I feel Cllr Muhammed Butt, the leader of Bent Council Message below is important for all of you, so why I am reproducing it below: 

Brent is fully committed to improving the lives of its Black residents

A message from Cllr Muhammed Butt, Leader of Brent Council

Last week I told you that Brent Council stands with our Black residents, and the Black Lives Matter campaign, against all forms of prejudice and injustice. I now want to promise you that these were not empty words. We are fully committed to positive action to improve life for all our Black residents.

Yesterday (June 11) the Council’s Deputy Leader, Cllr Margaret McLennan, and I met with leaders and young people from Black communities across the borough. The council’s Chief Executive, senior council officers and the Police Borough Commander were also present. Despite the deep pain we all feel at the current situation, the talks were both constructive and productive and there was a willingness to turn our pain into positive action. It was clear that to bring the changes that are so vital and necessary, we will need to feel uncomfortable. Neither community leaders, role models nor the council can make the changes that are needed alone. We must all work together, and we will. Whatever happens internationally, nationally and at a London-wide level, discussions and action will continue in Brent, as we work in partnership to create an action plan to stamp out inequality in our borough in the short, medium and long term.

That inequality is, tragically, part of the reason why Brent has some of the highest coronavirus death tolls in the country. This week London’s first Covid-19 testing site opened in Harlesden Town Garden for local residents, aiming to drive down the numbers of cases in the surrounding area. I urge you, if you have symptoms, to get tested now to protect yourself and others, and help to stop the spread of the virus.

After 12 weeks of lockdown our town centers, high streets and retailers will reopen from Monday. Businesses in the borough have been hit hard by the pandemic. We want to give them the best possible chance to bounce back, as the lockdown is adjusted. But coronavirus hasn’t gone away, and we must still say safe and protect our loved ones. As shops and businesses reopen, our Shop Safe, Shop Local campaign will get underway. Look out for the ‘Staying COVID-19 Secure in 2020’ posters displayed in shop windows.

From Monday (June 15), wearing a face covering on public transport will become mandatory across the country. Exemptions to this rule include young children, disabled people and those with breathing difficulties. Please continue to avoid using public transport where possible, and try to walk, cycle or drive. If you must travel, check the latest advice for safer travel.

Unfortunately, I must now address some awful and devastating news. Many of you will have seen that last Sunday two female bodies were found in Fryent Country Park. Our hearts go out to their family and friends. Police are investigating what happened, and it’s vitally important the family get to know the truth. I urge anyone who has any information at all to assist the police, and to come forward. We will continue to work in close partnership with the Police to tackle violent crime in Brent.

I would like to end with the news that Brent was this week revealed to have more affordable homes under construction than anywhere else in London – for the second year in a row. Our construction programme is adapting to the pandemic, with safety for everyone the top priority. In the next five years, 5,000 new affordable homes will become available for residents, helping many to bounce back from coronavirus.

Please remember to protect yourself and others, especially as businesses start to reopen. Don’t bring the virus home to a loved one. And if you do have any coronavirus symptoms, ask for a test straight away


Ambitions for green active transport outlined

Draft plans have been published, setting out Brent Council’s ambitions for improving road safety, air quality and the health of local people.

Measures will include creating low traffic neighbourhoods, school streets, pop-up cycle lanes and bike parking, as well as further pavement-widening in town centres.

Residents and businesses will have the opportunity to share their views on the schemes during a consultation, details of which will be shared in due course.

>>Find out more

testing site

New COVID-19 testing site opens in Harlesden for local residents

London’s first local COVID-19 testing site has opened in Harlesden Town Garden as the Government pilots a new approach to testing. As Harlesden and the surrounding areas have some of the highest death tolls from COVID-19 in the UK, it’s hoped that the testing site will help to drive down these numbers by ensuring that local residents who have symptoms can get tested quickly in an easily accessible location.

You can book a test if:

  • You have symptoms of COVID-19
  • You can travel to the test site on foot or by motorcycle or bicycle and don’t need to use public transport
  • You have a face covering
  • You adhere to social distancing at all times, when travelling to and from the site

Appointments are available every day from 10am-5pm and residents can book by calling 020 8937 4440, the line is open from 9am-5pm, seven days a week.

>>Find out more about the local testing site in Harlesden

time to talk

Time To Talk, COVID-19

Brent Council has partnered with Harlesden based radio station, The Beat London 103.6FM to deliver a special show to highlight this issue. In this COVID-19 Time To Talk special we will discuss why Brent is one of the hardest hit places in the UK, what actions we can all take to minimise the risk of infection and what else we think the government should be doing.

Join presenter Claire Clottey in the studio with Cllr Margaret McLennan, Deputy Leader of Brent Council, Tebussum (Tebs) Rashid from Step Up Hub, a community group in Brent and Jawahir (JJ) Roble a Brent based referee and care worker.

Tune in: 7-9pm Monday 15 June 2020, The Beat London 103.6FM

Listen live here:

Call in live: 0208 963 9566


Meeting people from outside your household

From Saturday 13 June single adult households can form a ‘support bubble’ with one other household. All those in a support bubble will be able to spend time together inside each others’ homes, including overnight, without needing to stay 2 metres apart. The Government has made this change to support the loneliest and most isolated, while ensuring we all continue to keep the rate of transmission down.

>>Find out more about the rules


Shop Safe, Shop Local from Monday 15 June

The Business Secretary confirmed that shops in England selling non-essential goods will be able to reopen from Monday 15 June, thanks to continuing progress in meeting the Government's 5 tests.

High street retailers and department stores, including book shops, electronics retailers, tailors, auction houses, photography studios, indoor markets, and shops selling clothes, shoes and toys, will be allowed to open their doors again provided they follow the COVID-19 secure guidelines set out by the government in May.

We want to give our town centres, high streets, retailers, small businesses and markets across the borough the best chance possible of bouncing back as the lockdown restrictions are eased, but we must stay safe.

Shop Safe, Shop Local is a new Brent Council campaign aimed at encouraging businesses and shoppers alike to do their bit to stop further spread of the virus, avoid a second peak, help our businesses to bounce back and life return as much as possible back to normal.

>>Find out more about the advice


More affordable housing under construction in Brent than anywhere else in London

For the second year running, data from the Greater London Authority (GLA) has revealed that Brent has more affordable homes under construction than anywhere else in London.

The figures show that 1,650 affordable homes were started on Brent sites between 1 April 2019 and 31 March 2020.

>>Find out more


Metroland Cultures Fund Projects Announced

Metroland Cultures announced the 25 successful artists, supported by its first initiative the Metroland Cultures Fund- providing financial support to Brent creatives during the COVID-19 crisis.

>>Discover the successful applicants

Public questions at Full Council meetings

Did you know that Brent’s Full Council meetings give an opportunity for local residents to submit questions for response by a Cabinet Member? If you would like to ask a question, these can be submitted via the request to speak form by 5pm on Friday, 19 June. You’ll receive a written response and will also have the opportunity to ask a follow-up supplementary question at the meeting itself.

Whilst our next Full Council meeting is being run as an online virtual meeting, members of the public will still be able to follow proceedings live via the Council’s Live Stream pages.


Faith organisations call for joint prayer and reflection

Last night, Faith Leaders from Brent’s Multi-Faith Forum called for people of all beliefs to join together for a collective prayer to unite in the face of the coronavirus pandemic. Faith groups across Brent did not disappoint, and you can see videos and pictures of this impressive display of unity on social media by searching the hashtag #BrentTogether.

From Monday 15 June places of worship will be permitted to open for individual prayer in line with social distancing guidelines. Individual prayer will be permitted from 15 June, but communally led prayer, worship or devotion such as services, evensong, informal prayer meetings, Mass, Jummah or Kirtan will not be possible at this stage.

Guidance has been published to ensure the limited re-opening of places of worship can be done safely and in line with social distancing guidelines.

>>More information here

>>Watch BMFF's unity video here

refugee week

Refugee Week

Refugee Week is the UK’s largest festival celebrating the contribution of refugees and promoting understanding of why people seek sanctuary. This Refugee Week (15 – 21 June 2020), the theme is ‘Imagine’. Because when things feel stuck; when the old ways of doing things are no longer working, that’s what we need to do.

>>Read more

IT image

Help us to improve the Brent website

Now, more than ever, it is important that you can access vital council services online and find what you need quickly and easily. That’s why we are working hard to improve our website to make it better for you.

As a resident, you can help by taking part in a short online activity that will help us to improve the information on our website and how it is organised. This activity should only take ten minutes and will show us how easy it is for you to find certain topics and information.

Two lucky participants will be entered into a prize draw to win a £50 LDO voucher.

>>Get involved and help us to make our website work better for you


Employment and benefits support

If you are affected by coronavirus or its effect on the economy, there is a wide range of support available.

This new government website provides information about the changes the government has brought in to support people who are already claiming benefits, need to claim benefits, or are at risk of losing their job as a result of coronavirus.

>>Understand what benefits you might be entitled to

Emergency help and support

Do you need help getting food or medicine delivered to you while you’re in isolation? If you are struggling and need extra help, call our helpline on 020 8937 1234 open 9am – 5pm, Monday to Friday or email

More emergency help and support

Financial support for residents

Support for businesses and employers

Changes to council services

Get the latest health advice

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