Friday 12 June 2020

Brent Local Authority Discretionary Grants Scheme

Brent’s Discretionary Grants scheme for small businesses is expected to go live on 16th June at 9am subject to Cabinet approval on 15th June 2020. The window for applications will be open for 1 week, closing on 22nd June at 5pm.

Eligible businesses with a headcount of 10 or fewer will be able to apply for a grant of £5,000 to help them cover their fixed costs. Businesses from any sector in Brent can apply as long as they meet the wider criteria. But the council is expecting demand to outweigh availability of funds from central government, and so we are advising businesses to read the Cabinet paper where the criteria are explained.

They should also then sign up to the business newsletter in order to receive a notification when the grant scheme opens on Tuesday morning. They can do this by clicking on and then selecting ‘business e newsletter’.

Eligibility Criteria

In order to be eligible for a Discretionary Grant from Brent Council, businesses must meet the following eligibility criteria:

Your business was trading on 11 March 2020.
Your business has ongoing fixed building-related costs relating to a commercial property.
Your business occupies a commercial property, or part of a commercial property, with a rateable value or annual mortgage/rent payments of less than £51,000 per annum.
Your business has experienced a minimum of 50% reduction in income since 11 March 2020 due to COVID-19.
Your business has a headcount of 10 or fewer.
Your business has been trading for at least 12 months at the point of application.
Your business is actively trading in Brent (as opposed to simply registered in Brent).
Your business has one of the following:

o A turnover of less than £632,000

o A balance sheet of less than £316,000

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