Saturday 28 March 2020

Children and Schools

I am reproducing Brent council response to present situation.

Services for children and young people continue to be maintained, with a focus on statutory duties to groups of vulnerable children (children in need; children subject to Child Protection Plans; Looked After Children; children with disabilities and children with an Education Health and Care Plan).  Additional support is being provided where possible. Barnardos have made a decision to consolidate the delivery of children’s centres in Brent. There are 3 Barnardo–run children’s centres open (Alperton, St Raphs and Granville) with skeleton staff to signpost any queries. Midwifery are continuing to deliver in these 3 children’s centres. Children’s centre staff are working from home and making contacts with families. Willows children’s centre is closed although the nursery is open for vulnerable children and children of key workers. Children who would attend Fawood children’s centre are attending Curzon Crescent nursery school.
CYP are engaging daily with early years settings and schools and are updating them regularly on the latest national information and advice. Guidance for settings, schools, colleges and local authorities on maintaining educational provision was published Thursday 19 March 2020. The large majority of Brent schools remain open to support vulnerable children and parents whose work is critical to the COVID-19 response.
The Strategic Director, Children and Young People has convened a further meeting with Brent Headteachers this morning Friday 27 March 2020 to further develop how Brent schools will work together to maintain education and childcare for vulnerable children and children of key workers, with the next focus being the provision of child care from the end of term and through the holiday (Monday 6 April – Monday 17 April 2020
with courtesy of Brent Council.

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